For Immediate Release

Contact: Matt Lehrich, Marie Aberger

Take Back the Court Responds to McConnell's "Court Packing" Comments

In an interview with Fox News Radio yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said:

"After [Senate Democrats] change the filibuster, they're going to admit the district as a state. They're going to admit Puerto Rico as a state. That's four new Democratic senators in perpetuity. And once they get a hammerlock on the Senate they're going to then pack the Supreme Court, the Circuit Courts and the Districts Courts by creating new vacancies..."

In response, Take Back the Court Executive Director Aaron Belkin issued the following statement:

“I never thought I’d say this, but Mitch McConnell is right. The roadmap he lays out — killing the filibuster, representation for DC and self-determination for Puerto Rico, and taking back the stolen Supreme Court — is exactly how we reverse the damage Trump and McConnell have done to American democracy."

Aaron Belkin is Director of Take Back The Court. During his 20 years of work on LGBT policy advocacy, he has been recognized as a leader in the effort to end DADT and the military's transgender ban.