For Immediate Release

Contact: Matt Lehrich, Marie Aberger


Steyer: “Would I consider a larger number of justices on the Supreme Court? Yes!”

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Dec. 10, 2019) – In a sign of continued momentum for Supreme Court expansion, Democratic presidential hopeful Tom Steyer stated that he would consider adding justices.

“Would I consider a larger number of justices on the Supreme Court? Yes,” Steyer told Indivisible founder Ezra Levin after the grassroots progressive group included Court expansion in its rubric for rating the candidates. Steyer joins other leading Democratic candidates, including Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Buttigieg in expressing openness to adding justices.

“Whether it’s voting and civil rights or climate action or reproductive freedom, everything the next president does is at risk,” said Take Back the Court Founder and Director Aaron Belkin. “No governing agenda is complete without a plan to protect it from the stolen, partisan Court.”

Recent Take Back the Court studies have shown that even if Democrats take back the White House and the Senate, the stolen Court is poised to strike down legislation and block executive actions that aim to address the country’s most pressing challenges.

About Take Back the Court

Take Back the Court raises awareness about the urgent need to expand the number of seats on the Supreme Court to address the theft of the court by Senator Mitch McConnell during the Obama Administration. Without adding seats, Congress will not be able to restore the right to vote, ensure reproductive freedom, protect workers, halt our climate emergency, or pass new legislation. Court expansion, which can be accomplished without a constitutional amendment, is the only reform that enables the un-rigging of the system and the restoration of democracy.

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